compose informational texts, including procedural texts and reports; and
develop and follow a research plan with adult assistance;
compose correspondence such as thank you notes or letters.
identify and gather relevant sources and information to answer the questions;
identify primary and secondary sources;
generate questions for formal and informal inquiry with adult assistance;
demonstrate understanding of information gathered;
cite sources appropriately; and
use an appropriate mode of delivery, whether written, oral, or multimodal, to present results.
listen actively, ask relevant questions to clarify information, and make pertinent comments;
follow, restate, and give oral instructions that involve a series of related sequences of action;
speak coherently about the topic under discussion, employing eye contact, speaking rate, volume, enunciation, and the conventions of language to communicate ideas effectively;
demonstrate and apply phonetic knowledge by:
decoding multisyllabic words with multiple sound-spelling patterns such as eigh, ough, and en;
decoding multisyllabic words with closed syllables; open syllables; VCe syllables; vowel teams, including digraphs and diphthongs; r-controlled syllables; and final stable syllables;
work collaboratively with others by following agreed-upon rules, norms, and protocols; and
decoding compound words, contractions, and abbreviations;
develop social communication such as conversing politely in all situations.
decoding words using knowledge of syllable division patterns such as VCCV, VCV, and VCCCV with accent shifts;
decoding words using knowledge of prefixes;
decoding words using knowledge of suffixes, including how they can change base words such as dropping e, changing y to i, and doubling final consonants; and
decoding words with a prosodic or orthographic accent;
identifying and reading high-frequency words from a research-based list;
decoding words with multiple sound spelling patterns such as c, k, and q and s, z, soft c, and x;
demonstrate and apply spelling knowledge by:
decoding words with silent h and words that use the syllables que-, qui-, gue-, gui-, güe-, and güi-;
spelling multisyllabic words with closed syllables; open syllables; VCe syllables; vowel teams, including digraphs and diphthongs; r-controlled syllables; and final stable syllables;
becoming very familiar with the concept of hiatus and diphthongs and the implications for orthographic accents;
spelling homophones;
decoding and differentiating meaning of a word based on a diacritical accent; and
spelling compound words, contractions, and abbreviations;
decoding words with prefixes and suffixes;
spelling multisyllabic words with multiple sound-spelling patterns;
spelling words using knowledge of syllable division patterns such as VCCV, VCV, and VCCCV;
spelling palabras agudas and graves (words with an accent on the last and penultimate syllable);
spelling words using knowledge of prefixes; and
spelling palabras esdrújulas (words with the stress on the antepenultimate syllable) that have an orthographic accent;
spelling words using knowledge of suffixes, including how they can change base words such as dropping e, changing y to i, and doubling final consonants;
spelling words with the concept of diphthongs and hiatus and their implications for orthographic accents;
alphabetize a series of words to the third letter; and
using accents on words commonly used in questions and exclamations;
spelling words based on the diacritical accent such as se/sé, el/él, and mas/más;
marking accents appropriately when conjugating verbs such as in simple and imperfect past, past participle, perfect, conditional, and future tenses;
use print or digital resources to determine meaning, syllabication, and pronunciation;
spelling words with silent h and words that use the syllables que-, qui-, gue-, gui-, güe-, and güi-;
use context within and beyond a sentence to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words and multiple-meaning words;