beginning reading writing teks talk image

Knowledge and Skills Statement

Developing and sustaining foundational language skills: listening, speaking, reading, writing, and thinking--beginning reading and writing. The student develops word structure knowledge through phonological awareness, print concepts, phonics, and morphology to communicate, decode, and spell.

Play games with plastic letters in small-group or one-on-one instruction. This assessment can also be completed in the ABC center during learning-center time. A checklist can be used to keep track of students’ progress.

Examples of Assessments:

Deleting Initial Sounds

  • Here is the word pin. Remove the p. What is the new word? (in)

Deleting Final Sounds

  • Here is the word cart. Remove the t. What is the new word? (car)

Adding Initial Sounds

  • Here is the word at. Add an r to the beginning. What is the new word? (rat)

Adding Final Sounds

  • Here is the word ram. Add a p to the end. What is the new word? (ramp)

Changing Initial Sounds

  • Here is the word cat. Change the c to an s. What is the new word? (sat)

Changing Final Sounds

  • Here is the word dog. Change the g to a t. What is the new word? (dot)

Changing Medial Sounds

  • Here is the word hat. Change the a to an o. What is the new word? (hot)

This is different from the PA assessment because the teacher is showing students these words and students are physically removing/adding/changing letters to make new words, not just hearing the sounds and verbally changing words.

It is helpful to model a few examples before assessing students.


Phonetic knowledge is the understanding of sound-symbol relationships and spelling patterns.


International Literacy Association. (2018). Explaining phonics instruction: An educator’s guide [Literacy leadership brief]. Newark, DE: Author. Retrieved from

Summary: This guide for educator's contains an explanation of phonics and different ways that it is taught.