beginning reading and writing Spanish strand TEKS talk image

Knowledge and Skills Statement

Developing and sustaining foundational language skills: listening, speaking, reading, writing, and thinking--beginning reading and writing. The student develops word structure knowledge through phonological awareness, print concepts, phonics, and morphology to communicate, decode, and spell.

Presente palabras de una sílaba. Pida a los estudiantes que las lean una por una. Los estudiantes toman turnos para leer las palabras. Posteriormente, presente palabras de dos sílabas y repita la anterior actividad. Los estudiantes, junto con el maestro identifican las combinaciones de vocales y consonantes que se dan en las palabras para que les ayude con la lectura de las mismas. Por ejemplo:

  • VC – al, un, el,
  • CVC – tus, los, las, dan,
  • CCVC – chile, llanta, lloro,
  • VCV – amo, eco, ala, ola,
  • CVCV – cosa, cama, mula,
  • CCVCV – lluvia, llama,
  • CVCCV – carro, coche, tarro

Tome nota de la lectura de cada estudiante. Proporcione ayuda en caso necesario.

Further Explanation

Los estudiantes leen palabras de una o dos sílabas formadas por diferentes combinaciones de vocales y consonantes.

Kindergarten students are expected to correctly decode multisyllabic words with different patterns and levels of complexity. Some examples of multisyllabic words are, carretera (ca-rre-te-ra), dromedario (dro-me-da-rio), calificar (ca-li-fi-car), bromista (bro-mis-ta), and comprender (com-pren-der).
Phonetic knowledge is the understanding of sound-symbol relationships and spelling patterns.
Since most letters in Spanish relate to one single phoneme, or sound, students in kindergarten should be able to understand the relationship between letters and their specific sounds. This knowledge allows them to read one and two- syllable words that follow different patterns of vowels and consonants such as no (CV), al (VC), así (CCV), piso (CVCV), brisa (CCVCV), parte (VCCV), etc.