- Science
- Grade 3
- Matter and energy
predict, observe, and record changes in the state of matter caused by heating or cooling in a variety of substances such as ice becoming liquid water, condensation forming on the outside of a glass, or liquid water being heated to the point of becoming water vapor (gas); and
A student expectation is directly related to the knowledge and skills statement, is more specific about how students demonstrate their learning, and always begins with a verb. Student expectations are further broken down into their component parts, often referred to as “breakouts.”
Vertical alignment shows student expectations in the same subject area at different grade levels that are related to or build upon one another.
explain and predict changes in materials caused by heating and cooling; and
investigate and describe applications of heat in everyday life such as cooking food or using a clothes dryer; and
conduct a descriptive investigation to explain how physical properties can be changed through processes such as cutting, folding, sanding, melting, or freezing; and
predict, observe, and record changes in the state of matter caused by heating or cooling in a variety of substances such as ice becoming liquid water, condensation forming on the outside of a glass, or liquid water being heated to the point of becoming water vapor (gas); and
Patterns are regular sequences that can be found throughout nature.
As heat is added, substances tend to change state from solid to liquid to gas (pattern), and as heat is removed (cooling), substances tend to change from gas to liquid to solid (pattern).
Cause-and-effect relationships are relationships between two or more variables or phenomena whereby one variable or event leads to a predictable response. Events have causes—sometimes simple, sometimes multi-faceted.
When enough heat is added or removed (cause), the substance will change state (effect).
It is important to consider how changes in scale, proportion, or quantity affect a system’s structure or performance. Scale refers to the size of an object in relation to another object or its environment. Proportion is the ratio of one quantity to another. Quantity is a count of a set of objects or a measurement of a substance.
Increasing or decreasing temperature (quantity) causes changes in the states of matter.
Matter and energy are conserved, changing forms but maintaining quantities. Energy flows within a system or between systems through transfers and transformations. Matter is cycled within systems through physical and chemical processes.
Heat energy flows into and out of substances.
Stability describes a system that does not change at the observed scale. In a stable system, a small disturbance will die out and the system will return to a stable state. Change in the system can come from modifying a factor or condition.
Most matter exists in a stable state or form, but a change in temperature (the addition or removal of enough heat) can cause the matter to change state.
Math.3.1.C select tools, including real objects, manipulatives, paper and pencil, and technology as appropriate, and techniques, including mental math, estimation, and number sense as appropriate, to solve problems
ELAR.3.6.H synthesize information to create new understanding
ELAR.3.7.F respond using newly acquired vocabulary as appropriate
ELAR.3.9.D.iii recognize organizational patterns such as cause and effect and problem and solution
ELAR.3.13.H use an appropriate mode of delivery, whether written, oral, or multimodal, to present results
TA.3.5.A identify and collect numerical data such as the price of goods or temperature