Cross-curricular Connections

The cross-curricular connections are designed to help educators make content connections between the science TEKS and math, English language arts and reading, social studies, and technology applications. The standards below illustrate alignment between grade level content areas which may help educators develop cross-curricular lessons. These connections do not represent all possible connections that might be made.
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Math.3.1.C select tools, including real objects, manipulatives, paper and pencil, and technology as appropriate, and techniques, including mental math, estimation, and number sense as appropriate, to solve problems

Math.3.6.A classify and sort two- and three-dimensional figures, including cones, cylinders, spheres, triangular and rectangular prisms, and cubes, based on attributes using formal geometric language

Math.3.7.D determine when it is appropriate to use measurements of liquid volume (capacity) or weight

English Language Arts and Reading

ELAR.3.6.G evaluate details read to determine key ideas

ELAR.3.7.F respond using newly acquired vocabulary as appropriate

ELAR.3.9.D.iii recognize organizational patterns such as cause and effect and problem and solution