TEKS Talk - SLA Inquiry Research image

Knowledge and Skills Statement

Inquiry and research: listening, speaking, reading, writing, and thinking using multiple texts. The student engages in both short-term and sustained recursive inquiry processes for a variety of purposes.

Considere juntar las expectativas estudiantiles 3.13.C y 3.13.D y evaluarlas al mismo tiempo. En la expectativa 3.13.C, los estudiantes identifican y reúnen información de una variedad de fuentes. Conforme los estudiantes empiezan un proyecto de investigación, guíelos mientras van identificando y reuniendo fuentes de información. Anime a los estudiantes para que identifiquen si la fuente de información la consideran primaria o secundaria.

Further Explanation

Esta expectativa estudiantil requiere que los estudiantes usen información de una variedad de fuentes confiables para apoyar resultados o posturas; además, requiere que incluyan una combinación de fuentes de información primarias y secundarias para asegurarse un conjunto sólido de evidencia que sirva de apoyo. Al recopilar fuentes de información, los estudiantes pueden formularse preguntas, como ¿Estaba el autor de este documento en ese lugar cuando el evento ocurrió? o ¿Este investigador aprendió sobre el tópico a partir de experiencia o investigación directa?

An important step in research is using information from a variety of reliable sources to support results or claims. A combination of primary and secondary sources will ensure a robust collection of supporting evidence. Primary sources are firsthand accounts or documentation of a particular event (e.g., a diary, photograph, or speech). Secondary sources provide information about an event that may have occurred elsewhere or during a different time (e.g., a documentary, textbook, or magazine article). While compiling sources, students need to ask questions such as “Was the author of this document present when the event occurred?” or “Did this expert learn about the topic through research or experience?”


1. Bober, T. (2018). The power of primary dources: Tips for introducing historic documents to younger students. American Libraries, 49(9–10), 56. Retrieved from https://link.galegroup.com/apps/doc/A553402618/PROF?u=tea&sid=PROF&xid=bea5115e

Summary: A brief article that presents practical ideas for introducing younger students to primary sources for research and inquiry.

2. Anderson, M. A. (2009). The power of primary sources: primary sources aren't just about history. Their use can enhance learning in all content areas and for students of all ages. The widespread prevalence of digital primary sources makes a greater range available and accessible to all. Multimedia & Internet@Schools, 16(6), 35+. Retrieved from https://link.galegroup.com/apps/doc/A211806240/PROF?u=tea&sid=PROF&xid=6b46063c

Summary: The author looks at a variety of primary sources, from diaries and letters to maps, YouTube videos, etc. in this article on effectively using primary sources in the classroom.