- Science
- Grade 4
- Force, motion, and energy
investigate and identify the transfer of energy by objects in motion, waves in water, and sound;
A student expectation is directly related to the knowledge and skills statement, is more specific about how students demonstrate their learning, and always begins with a verb. Student expectations are further broken down into their component parts, often referred to as “breakouts.”
Vertical alignment shows student expectations in the same subject area at different grade levels that are related to or build upon one another.
investigate and identify the transfer of energy by objects in motion, waves in water, and sound;
Patterns are regular sequences that can be found throughout nature.
Waves in water produce visible up and down patterns, and sound waves have patterns of vibration that affect pitch and volume (loudness).
Cause-and-effect relationships are relationships between two or more variables or phenomena whereby one variable or event leads to a predictable response. Events have causes—sometimes simple, sometimes multi-faceted.
Objects in motion (cause) will transfer energy when they collide (effect) with something. The energy of a moving object is transferred when it makes contact with water (cause), producing waves (effect). When an object vibrates (cause), sound is produced (effect).
Matter and energy are conserved, changing forms but maintaining quantities. Energy flows within a system or between systems through transfers and transformations. Matter is cycled within systems through physical and chemical processes.
Energy is transferred when a moving object collides with another object. If the object collides with water, the energy transferred produces waves which carry that energy.
Stability describes a system that does not change at the observed scale. In a stable system, a small disturbance will die out and the system will return to a stable state. Change in the system can come from modifying a factor or condition.
Colliding objects transfer energy causing a change in the motion of both objects.
ELAR.4.1.D work collaboratively with others to develop a plan of shared responsibilities
ELAR.4.6.F make inferences and use evidence to support understanding
ELAR.4.6.G evaluate details read to determine key ideas
ELAR.4.13.A generate questions on a topic for formal and informal inquiry
ELAR.4.13.B develop and follow a research plan with adult assistance
TA.4.3.A explain the importance of and demonstrate personal skills and behaviors, including problem solving and questioning, effective communication, following directions, mental agility, and metacognition, that are needed to implement a design process successfully
TA.4.6.A use digital tools to transform and make inferences about data to answer a question
TA.4.7.A use digital tools to communicate results of an inquiry to inform an intended audience