- Science
- Grade 4
- Force, motion, and energy
The student is expected to plan and conduct descriptive investigations to explore the patterns of forces such as gravity, friction, or magnetism in contact or at a distance on an object.
Math.4.1.A apply mathematics to problems arising in everyday life, society, and the workplace
Math.4.1.D communicate mathematical ideas, reasoning, and their implications using multiple representations, including symbols, diagrams, graphs, and language as appropriate
Math.4.1.F analyze mathematical relationships to connect and communicate mathematical ideas
Math.4.1.G display, explain, and justify mathematical ideas and arguments using precise mathematical language in written or oral communication
Math.4.9.A represent data on a frequency table, dot plot, or stem-and-leaf plot marked with whole numbers and fractions
Math.4.9.B solve one- and two-step problems using data in whole number, decimal, and fraction form in a frequency table, dot plot, or stem-and-leaf plot
SS.4.18.A identify famous inventors and scientists such as Millie Hughes-Fulford and their contributions
ELAR.4.1.D work collaboratively with others to develop a plan of shared responsibilities
ELAR.4.6.F make inferences and use evidence to support understanding
ELAR.4.6.G evaluate details read to determine key ideas
ELAR.4.13.A generate questions on a topic for formal and informal inquiry
ELAR.4.13.B develop and follow a research plan with adult assistance
TA.4.1.B identify patterns in story problems and make predictions based on the pattern
TA.4.3.A explain the importance of and demonstrate personal skills and behaviors, including problem solving and questioning, effective communication, following directions, mental agility, and metacognition, that are needed to implement a design process successfully
TA.4.6.A use digital tools to transform and make inferences about data to answer a question
TA.4.7.A use digital tools to communicate results of an inquiry to inform an intended audience