SLA multiple genres strand teks talk image

Knowledge and Skills Statement

Multiple genres: listening, speaking, reading, writing, and thinking using multiple texts--literary elements. The student recognizes and analyzes literary elements within and across increasingly complex traditional, contemporary, classical, and diverse literary texts.

Ítem de la prueba STAAR 2018


7 ¿Por qué el rey decide enviar a Perseo a luchar contra Medusa?

A Sabe que Perseo puede vencer a Medusa.

B Desea ganar la simpatía de su pueblo.

*C Quiere que Perseo no regrese jamás.

D Necesita probar que Perseo no es valiente.

Further Explanation

Los estudiantes analizan la acción ascendente de la trama que desencadena la historia para determinar que el rey quiere deshacerse de Perseo.

A story's plot provides its organizational structure. Although a story can be told in many different ways, the plot of any story generally includes the same basic elements revealed in the same forward-progressing order: rising action (where the suspense/tension/conflict required in all stories appears), the climax (the decisive point at which the reader knows how the conflict will be resolved), the falling action (where the consequences of how the conflict was addressed play out), and the resolution (the final outcome of a story). Once students understand that each of these structural elements plays a role in developing a story, they can examine how these parts were constructed and eventually draw conclusions about why they were constructed in that manner. This analysis of plot elements can confirm comprehension of the text or the need to review the text more carefully.
the highest point in the plot where the problem/conflict reaches its peak
the element of plot structure that takes place after the climax and begins to resolve the conflict(s) of the story by decreasing formerly established tension before the story moves towards its resolution
the element of plot structure that contains the conclusion or final outcome in a story and, in some capacity, resolves all problems and conflicts Not all stories have clear resolutions.
the element of plot structure that develops the conflict through a series of events to build interest, suspense, and tension and that propels a story to the climax
Sucesión de acontecimientos que crean una atmósfera de suspenso y de interés en el lector. Son parte de una trama y llevan la historia al punto culminante o clímax.
Acciones que son parte de la trama y suceden después del punto culminante o clímax hasta llegar a la conclusión de la historia.
Llamado también clímax, es la parte del texto en la que el conflicto llega a su grado de mayor tensión o intensidad.
Forma en que se le da solución un problema o a un conflicto.


Freeman, J. (2016). Story is king: How to be a great storyteller. School Library Journal, p. 40+. Retrieved from

The author uses storytelling to build reading skills, such as plot analysis, synthesis, and understanding characters. She provides concrete examples for storytelling in the classrooms and gives a list of 21 classic folk and fairy tales that can be adapted for storytelling.