SLA multiple genres strand teks talk image

Knowledge and Skills Statement

Multiple genres: listening, speaking, reading, writing, and thinking using multiple texts--literary elements. The student recognizes and analyzes literary elements within and across increasingly complex traditional, contemporary, classical, and diverse literary texts.

Presénteles a los estudiantes una historia corta en la cual el escenario histórico directamente impacte la trama de la historia, como sería el caso de una historia que sucede en San Antonio durante los días de conflicto en El Álamo. Después de que los estudiantes leen la historia, pídales que trabajen en parejas para examinar y explicar de manera escrita todas las formas en que el contexto histórico afecta la trama y a los personajes. Pídales a los estudiantes que incluyan la pregunta ¿Cómo sería distinta la trama si la historia hubiera ocurrido en un lugar y tiempo diferente?

Further Explanation

Los estudiantes deben poder recurrir a su conocimiento previo y a las claves de contexto para determinar cómo el telón de fondo histórico y cultural de un escenario afecta la trama. Este ejemplo hace uso del contenido de los estudios sociales que los estudiantes deberían saber en este grado escolar y que les ayudaría a adquirir contexto.

the contextual details of the social environment, beliefs, customs, values, and activities of a particular group of people as presented in the particular time and place of the setting
Students should draw upon their background knowledge and context clues in the text to determine how the historical and cultural backdrop of a setting can restrict, impact, or even be the focus of a plot. The time and place in which a story is set has a direct impact on the internal logic and what will be considered plausible for a storyline. For instance, if story is set on a Texas farm in 1935, the characters would most likely experience hardship due to the Dust Bowl and Great Depression. These tragic events might play an important part in how the plot’s conflicts are developed because many people during that time lost their homes and had to migrate to other parts of the country.
the basic sequence of events in a story that includes the exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution
Lugar y tiempo en donde se desarrolla una historia. Algunos elementos del escenario pueden incluir el entorno físico, cultural o histórico donde la historia se lleva a cabo.
Secuencia básica de eventos en una historia que incluye planteamiento de la acción, acción ascendente, punto culminante, acción descendente y desenlace.


Mabry, M., & Bhavnagri, N. P. (2012). Perspective taking of immigrant children: utilizing children's literature and related activities. Multicultural Education, 19(3), 48–54. Retrieved from

Summary: This study of promising practices looks at perspective taking and highlights the need for interpersonal understanding, especially in the U. S. with its diverse population. The article focuses on promoting perspective-taking among African-American fourth graders by using children's literature on immigrant families and includes follow up activities. The classroom reads and analyzes several different stories, including Levitin's A Piece of Home and Perez's My Diary from Here to There, seeking to understand the characters and the cultural changes they are experiencing. The historical and cultural setting has an impact on each of the protagonists in these stories.