TEKS Talk - SLA Inquiry Research image

Knowledge and Skills Statement

Inquiry and research: listening, speaking, reading, writing, and thinking using multiple texts. The student engages in both short-term and sustained recursive inquiry processes for a variety of purposes.

Siguiendo la instrucción de los pasos que deben seguirse para hacer un plan de investigación, pídales a los estudiantes que trabajen en parejas para que se ayuden mutuamente al crear planes personalizados de investigación para organizar la información de sus proyectos o presentaciones. Reúnase con frecuencia con los estudiantes individualmente para ayudarles a definir sus planes mientras avanzan en su investigación.

Further Explanation

Esta expectativa estudiantil requiere que los estudiantes desarrollen y sigan un plan que incluya cada uno de los pasos del proceso de investigación con la ayuda de un adulto. Los estudiantes deben usar un plan de investigación como calendario de trabajo para su proceso de investigación.

Students are expected to create and follow a plan that includes each of the steps in the research process. Students should understand that a research plan is a timeline created around the research process. A fundamental condition in developing a plan is the clear understanding of the assignment. Students should ask themselves questions like “What exactly am I supposed to do?” and “What am I expecting to find?” Then, they should take the initial steps to find accurate, significant, and relevant sources to support the topic of inquiry, intermediary steps of reevaluating and revising the research question based on source analysis, and the final steps of drafting, revising, editing, and presenting results in an appropriate mode of delivery (written, oral, or multimodal). At this grade level, students may require assistance planning for their research and fully carrying out each step of their research plan.