- Science
- Grade KG
- Scientific and engineering practices
analyze data by identifying significant features and patterns;
Math.K.1.F analyze mathematical relationships to connect and communicate mathematical ideas
Math.K.8.C draw conclusions from real-object and picture graphs
Math.K.7.B compare two objects with a common measurable attribute to see which object has more of/less of the attribute and describe the difference
ELAR.K.8.D.i recognize the central idea and supporting evidence with adult assistance
ELAR.K.9.C discuss with adult assistance the author's use of print and graphic features to achieve specific purposes
ELAR.K.12.D demonstrate understanding of information gathered with adult assistance
TA.K.1.B identify simple patterns and make predictions based on the patterns
TA.K.4.A communicate an understanding that data is information collected about people, events, or objects such as computer searches and weather patterns