Cross-curricular Connections

The cross-curricular connections are designed to help educators make content connections between the science TEKS and math, English language arts and reading, social studies, and technology applications. The standards below illustrate alignment between grade level content areas which may help educators develop cross-curricular lessons. These connections do not represent all possible connections that might be made.
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Math.6.12.C summarize numeric data with numerical summaries, including the mean and median (measures of center) and the range and interquartile range (IQR) (measures of spread), and use these summaries to describe the center, spread, and shape of the data distribution

Math.6.12.D summarize categorical data with numerical and graphical summaries, including the mode, the percent of values in each category (relative frequency table), and the percent bar graph, and use these summaries to describe the data distribution

SS.6.3.A identify and explain the geographic factors responsible for patterns of population in places and regions

English Language Arts and Reading

ELAR.6.5.G evaluate details read to determine key ideas

ELAR.6.5.H synthesize information to create new understanding

ELAR.6.12.A generate questions on a topic for formal and informal inquiry

ELAR.6.12.B develop and revise a plan

Technology Applications

TA.6.1.B analyze the patterns and sequences found in visual representations such as learning maps, concept maps, or other representations of data

TA.6.6.A use digital tools to transform data in order to identify and discuss trends and make inferences