Cross-curricular Connections

The cross-curricular connections are designed to help educators make content connections between the science TEKS and math, English language arts and reading, social studies, and technology applications. The standards below illustrate alignment between grade level content areas which may help educators develop cross-curricular lessons. These connections do not represent all possible connections that might be made.
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Math.3.1.D communicate mathematical ideas, reasoning, and their implications using multiple representations, including symbols, diagrams, graphs, and language as appropriate

Math.3.1.E create and use representations to organize, record, and communicate mathematical ideas

Math.3.1.F analyze mathematical relationships to connect and communicate mathematical ideas

Math.3.1.G display, explain, and justify mathematical ideas and arguments using precise mathematical language in written or oral communication

Math.3.3.C explain that the unit fraction 1/b represents the quantity formed by one part of a whole that has been partitioned into b equal parts where b is a non-zero whole number

Math.3.3.G explain that two fractions are equivalent if and only if they are both represented by the same point on the number line or represent the same portion of a same size whole for an area model

Math.3.9.A explain the connection between human capital/labor and income

SS.3.15.D express ideas orally based on knowledge and experiences

SS.3.15.E create written and visual material such as stories, pictures, maps, and graphic organizers to express ideas

English Language Arts and Reading

ELAR.3.1.G speak coherently about the topic under discussion, employing eye contact, speaking rate, volume, enunciation, and the conventions of language to communicate ideas effectively

ELAR.3.1.D work collaboratively with others by following agreed‐upon rules, norms, and protocols

ELAR.3.1.E develop social communication such as conversing politely in all situations

ELAR.3.13.H use an appropriate mode of delivery, whether written, oral, or multimodal, to present results

Technology Applications

TA.3.3.A explain the importance of and demonstrate personal skills and behaviors, including metacognition, effective communication, following directions, and mental agility, needed to implement the design process successfully

TA.3.6.A analyze data in graphs to identify and discuss trends and inferences.

TA.3.7.A use digital tools to communicate and publish results to inform an intended audience

TA.3.8.C define digital collaboration

TA.3.11.A compare and contrast applications such as word processor, spreadsheet, and presentation tools for relevance to an assigned task