- Science
- Grade 2
- Matter and its properties
demonstrate that small units such as building blocks can be combined or reassembled to form new objects for different purposes and explain the materials chosen based on their physical properties.
Math.2.2.A use concrete and pictorial models to compose and decompose numbers up to 1,200 in more than one way as a sum of so many thousands, hundreds, tens, and ones
Math.2.2.B use standard, word, and expanded forms to represent numbers up to 1,200
Math.2.3.B explain that the more fractional parts used to make a whole, the smaller the part; and the fewer the fractional parts, the larger the part
Math.2.8.D compose two-dimensional shapes and three-dimensional solids with given properties or attributes
SS.2.5.A identify ways in which people have modified the physical environment such as clearing land, building roads, using land for agriculture, and drilling for oil
ELAR.2.1.C share information and ideas that focus on the topic under discussion, speaking clearly at an appropriate pace and using the conventions of language
ELAR.2.6.E make connections to personal experiences, ideas in other texts, and society
ELAR.2.13.C identify and gather relevant sources and information to answer the questions