Knowledge and Skills Statement
Inquiry and research: listening, speaking, reading, writing, and thinking using multiple texts. The student engages in both short-term and sustained recursive inquiry processes for a variety of purposes.
Demonstrated Proficiency of ELA.2.13.C
Use the following rubric to monitor students’ progress towards mastering this SE. Assessing this SE requires observation over an extended period of time.
Sample rubric:
- The student is able to identify one source for gathering information and use that source to gather information with adult assistance.
- The student is able to identify one source for gathering information and use that source to gather information independently.
- The student is able to identify multiple sources for gathering information and use those sources to gain information, but all sources are similar in type. (For example, the student gathers information from two to three sources, but they are all books.)
- The student is able to identify multiple, varying types of sources for gathering information and use those sources to gain information. (For example, the student is able to gather information from books, online searches, magazines, and interviews.)
Supporting Information for ELA.2.13.C