- Science
- Grade 2
- Scientific and engineering practices
develop and use models to represent phenomena, objects, and processes or design a prototype for a solution to a problem.
A student expectation is directly related to the knowledge and skills statement, is more specific about how students demonstrate their learning, and always begins with a verb. Student expectations are further broken down into their component parts, often referred to as “breakouts.”
Vertical alignment shows student expectations in the same subject area at different grade levels that are related to or build upon one another.
develop and use models to represent phenomena, objects, and processes or design a prototype for a solution to a problem.
develop and use models to represent phenomena, objects, and processes or design a prototype for a solution to a problem.
develop and use models to represent phenomena, objects, and processes or design a prototype for a solution to a problem.
develop and use models to represent phenomena, objects, and processes or design a prototype for a solution to a problem.
develop and use models to represent phenomena, objects, and processes or design a prototype for a solution to a problem.
Math.2.1.D communicate mathematical ideas, reasoning, and their implications using multiple representations, including symbols, diagrams, graphs, and language as appropriate
Math.2.1.E create and use representations to organize, record, and communicate mathematical ideas
Math.2.6.A model, create, and describe contextual multiplication situations in which equivalent sets of concrete objects are joined
Math.2.6.B model, create, and describe contextual division situations in which a set of concrete objects is separated into equivalent sets
SS.2.17.B use problem-solving and decision-making processes to identify a problem, gather information, list and consider options, consider advantages and disadvantages, choose and implement a solution, and evaluate the effectiveness of the solution
ELAR.2.6.D create mental images to deepen understanding
TA.2.3.B apply a design process with components such as testing and reflecting to create new and useful solutions to identify and solve for authentic problems
TA.2.6.A use a digital tool to individually or collaboratively create and communicate data visualizations such as pictographs and bar graphs
TA.2.10.A select and use a variety of applications, devices, and online learning environments to create and share content