- Science
- Grade 2
- Scientific and engineering practices
collect observations and measurements as evidence;
Math.2.1.E create and use representations to organize, record, and communicate mathematical ideas
Math.2.9.A find the length of objects using concrete models for standard units of length
Math.2.9.D determine the length of an object to the nearest marked unit using rulers, yardsticks, meter sticks, or measuring tapes
Math.2.9.F use concrete models of square units to find the area of a rectangle by covering it with no gaps or overlaps, counting to find the total number of square units, and describing the measurement using a number and the unit
Math.2.9.G read and write time to the nearest one-minute increment using analog and digital clocks and distinguish between a.m. and p.m.
SS.2.15.A gather information about a topic using a variety of valid oral and visual sources such as interviews, music, pictures, symbols, and artifacts with adult assistance
ELAR.2.13.C identify and gather relevant sources and information to answer the questions
ELAR.2.13.D identify primary and secondary sources
TA.2.5.A identify and collect non-numerical data, such as weather patterns, preferred reading genres, and holiday