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Knowledge and Skills Statement

Response skills: listening, speaking, reading, writing, and thinking using multiple texts. The student responds to an increasingly challenging variety of sources that are read, heard, or viewed.

Provide opportunities for students to practice a variety of response strategies while reading such as notetaking, annotating, freewriting, and illustrating. After each strategy is practiced, have students share feedback regarding how well strategies supported their understanding. Review student representations for comprehension of the text.

Further Explanation

This assessment requires students to determine a strategy and record their thoughts and questions in a manner that suits their learning style.

interact with a text by adding notes or comments to the text in order to record significant features and/or personal commentary or reactions that may enhance one’s understanding of the text while reading
a prewriting technique in which a person writes continuously for a set period of time without regard to spelling, grammar, or topic Freewriting is similar to brainstorming but written in sentence and paragraph form and produces raw, often unusable material that has the potential to increase the flow of ideas for writers.
furnish with drawings, pictures, or other artwork intended for explanation, clarification, or adornment
When students interact with sources of information such as a book or a manual, they should use strategies that enhance their ability to gain knowledge from the material both during and after the first time engaging with the source. For example, if students are reading an informational article about lab safety, they may choose to illustrate their notes or take notes without illustrations by summarizing sections of the article. When purposely used, these strategies can contribute to building or expanding knowledge.
the study skill of outlining and/or summarizing the important ideas of a lecture, book, or other source of information to aid in the organization and retention of ideas