describe the main character's (characters') internal and external traits;
A student expectation is directly related to the knowledge and skills statement, is more specific about how students demonstrate their learning, and always begins with a verb. Student expectations are further broken down into their component parts, often referred to as “breakouts.”
Multiple genres: listening, speaking, reading, writing, and thinking using multiple texts--literary elements. The student recognizes and analyzes literary elements within and across increasingly complex traditional, contemporary, classical, and diverse literary texts.
A knowledge and skills statement is a broad statement of what students must know and be able to do. It generally begins with a learning strand and ends with the phrase “The student is expected to:” Knowledge and skills statements always include related student expectations.
Demonstrated Proficiency of ELA.2.8.B
Ask students to complete a multiple-choice assessment.
What adjective could be used to describe the main character?—list four adjectives and allow students to choose the one that fits best
What does __________ (character) do to show she is ___________ (adjective)? Leave this as an open-ended question or give four options.
The character said, __________________. What in this sentence shows that the character is ______________ (adjective)? Give four options.
Give a description about the character, and then ask students to choose an adjective that shows the character traits. Give four options.
Give a description of the external traits of a character and ask students to circle the name of the character being described.
Name three words to physically describe _________ (character).
Glossary Support for ELA.2.8.B
Character traits are valued aspects of a person's behavior or a description of the character's appearance. Character traits are often labeled with descriptive adjectives. Internal traitsare the qualities or behaviors of a character (e.g., ambitious, bossy, jealous, lazy, smart, outgoing). External traits are traits that you can see. They are traits that describe what the character looks like (e.g., tall, big, freckled).