TEKS Talk - SLA Response image

Knowledge and Skills Statement

Response skills: listening, speaking, reading, writing, and thinking using multiple texts. The student responds to an increasingly challenging variety of sources that are read, heard, or viewed.

Consider pairing SE 6.7.F with 6.7.H and assess both SEs at the same time. With SE 6.7.H, students respond orally or in writing with appropriate register, vocabulary, tone, and voice. After reading a text, engage students in a group discussion regarding new vocabulary learned in the text. As students respond, remind them to use appropriate register, tone, and voice.

Further Explanation

Students learn new terms not only to increase their vocabulary but also to change the way they understand the world around them. Students who are able to correctly and appropriately use new vocabulary demonstrate their understanding of additional terms.

Students learn new terms not only to increase their vocabulary but also to change the way they understand the world around them. Students are expected to respond to text using newly acquired terminology. By using newly acquired vocabulary, students expand their knowledge about objects, events, and processes. For example, terms such as democratic, totalitarian, or constitutional provide a new perspective when discussing a piece of historical fiction set during a war. The accurate use of specific vocabulary allows students to make more detailed analyses.


1. Richek, M. A. (2005). Words are wonderful: interactive, time-efficient strategies to teach meaning vocabulary: this article presents strategies for introducing and practicing meaning vocabulary. The Reading Teacher, 58(5), 414+. Retrieved from https://link.galegroup.com/apps/doc/A128973569/PROF?u=tea&sid=PROF&xid=87eff0a5

Summary: The article presents strategies to help students learn and use new vocabulary. Two strategies help teachers introduce words; four strategies provide motivation and practice so that students grow comfortable using new vocabulary in reading, writing, and speaking.

2. Townsend, D., Filippini, A., Collins, P., & Biancarose, G. (2012). Evidence of the importance of academic word knowledge for the academic achievement of diverse middle school students. The Elementary School Journal, 112(3), 497-518. Retrieved from https://www.jstor.org/stable/10.1086/663301

Summary: The purpose of this study was to compare the difference in academic achievement for linguistically and socioeconomically diverse seventh and eighth grade students. Academic achievement was defined in terms of vocabulary knowledge, general academic word knowledge, and an explanation of this difference across four other subject areas. The findings of the research suggest that this practice does support an increase in academic achievement for diverse students who are non-native English speakers.