beginning reading and writing Spanish strand TEKS talk image

Knowledge and Skills Statement

Developing and sustaining foundational language skills: listening, speaking, reading, writing, and thinking--beginning reading and writing. The student develops word structure knowledge through phonological awareness, print concepts, phonics, and morphology to communicate, decode, and spell.

Write a list of multisyllabic words on the board. Ask the students to help you divide the words into syllables and identify the different syllabic patterns. Then, have students work in pairs to find multisyllabic words in a text, write them down, identify their syllabic patterns and morphemes, and read them together. Walk among the groups to monitor the activity and make corrections needed.

Further Explanation

Students are expected to recognize both the syllable division patterns and morphemes in words. This metacognitive process will allow them to better decode multisyllabic words.

Students apply knowledge of letter-sound relationships in order to correctly pronounce words that are made of multiple syllables (e.g., constructora/ cons-truc-to-ra, accidentado/ ac-ci-den-ta-do, improbable/ im-pro-ba-ble, cerrajería/ ce-rra-je-rí-a).
When students demonstrate phonetic knowledge, they are not creating written content that incorporates an understanding of phonetic principles, but rather reviewing content and determining how the principles have been applied. Students will do this when decoding (reading) words they encounter in various formats, from activities in the classroom to stories they read for pleasure.
Students should know that syllabication, or syllable division, in Spanish follows diverse patterns such as CV (so-pa), CVC (ven-der), CCV (cla-se), or CCVC (gran-de). Using this knowledge allows students to better decode multisyllabic words, like atropellado (a-tro-pe-lla-do). Students should also know that a morpheme is a word or part of a word that has a meaning and that contains no smaller parts. For example, the word mujeres contains two morphemes: mujer and the plural suffix -es. Knowing the morphemes that form words can facilitate the process of decoding them.