writing process TEKS talk image

Knowledge and Skills Statement

Composition: listening, speaking, reading, writing, and thinking using multiple texts--writing process. The student uses the writing process recursively to compose multiple texts that are legible and uses appropriate conventions.

Have students work with a partner to edit their writing to ensure appropriate use of pronouns such as tuya instead of tuyo (¿La bicicleta roja es tuyo?) or se instead of me (El cartel me cayó debido al fuerte viento). If students identify pronouns they believe were used inappropriately, ask them to explain why they believe the pronoun is not appropriate and revise the sentence.

Further Explanation

This assessment requires students to apply their knowledge of correct pronoun usage. Students should correctly edit a piece of writing to ensure appropriate pronoun agreement. This knowledge is acquired through practice and experience with appropriate use of pronouns in writing. This skill should be developed with writing in all genres.

During the editing stage of the writing process, students further improve their draft and often prepare it for publishing by correcting convention errors. Ensuring that the standard rules of the Spanish language have been applied correctly helps the audience to more easily comprehend the information because they are not having to interrupt their thinking to determine what the writer intended to say.
Indefinite pronouns indicate a quantity or degree of something in an undetermined manner: Hay demasiada comida en el refrigerador. Llovió bastante durante toda la noche.
Students are expected to correctly use objective pronouns in their writing. They should know that, in Spanish, objective pronouns can be direct or indirect. Direct objective pronouns such as lo, la, los, and las replace the direct object in a sentence. In the following example, Ayer terminé mi proyecto de ciencias. Lo puse en la entrada de mi casa para que no se me olvide llevarlo a la escuela, the objective pronoun lo in the second sentence replaces the direct object of the first sentence: proyecto de ciencias. Indirect objective pronouns such as le, se, and me replace the indirect object in a sentence. Consider the following example, La semana pasada mi vecino salió de vacaciones con su esposa. Antes de hacerlo, le pidió que cerrara bien la casa. In the second sentence, the indirect objective pronoun le replaces the indirect object of the first sentence: su esposa.
Personal pronouns (yo, tú, usted, él/ella, nosotros/ nosotras, ustedes, ellos/ellas) may function as the subject in a sentence. They replace some common and proper nouns. Consider the following example: Mis amigos y yo ganaremos la competencia de basquetbol. The subject of this sentence (Mis amigos y yo) can be replaced by the personal pronoun nosotros: Nosotros ganaremos la competencia de basquetbol.
Possessive pronouns indicate possession or ownership of something. They must always agree in gender and number with a given noun. For example: La pelota es de mis hermanos y mía, no de los vecinos = La pelota es nuestra, no suya (ours/ theirs).
Prepositional pronouns are preceded by a preposition (e.g. ante, para, hacia) and are the same as personal pronouns except for the pronouns mí and ti. For example, El maestro se paró ante mis compañeros y los regañó a ellos, pero no a mí.
Pronouns are useful in writing because they help make sentences smoother and clearer. The following sentences exemplify the importance of pronouns in writing: Julio, Manuel, Rosa y Laura invitaron a Carolina al cine. Carolina les dijo a Julio, Manuel, Rosa y Laura que debía terminar un proyecto. Julio, Manuel, Rosa y Laura le aseguraron a Carolina que le ayudarían después del cine. The sentence sounds confusing because of the repetitive use of nouns. Consider the same sentence when pronouns are used to replace the nouns once they have been introduced: Julio, Manuel, Rosa y Laura invitaron a Carolina al cine. Ella les dijo que debía terminar un proyecto. Ellos le aseguraron que le ayudarían después del cine. Students are expected to know how to correctly use pronouns to refer to, or in place of, previously established nouns or noun phrases.
Reflexive pronouns indicate that the action of a verb is performed by the same person it affects. Some examples are: me (myself), te (yourself), se (himself/ herself). In the following sentence: Armando se levantó muy temprano ayer. Se dio cuenta que pudo aprovechar mejor su tiempo, the pronoun se refers to the third person of singular mentioned in the first sentence: (Armando).
Relative pronouns are used to refer to nouns mentioned previously, whether they are people or things. Some relative pronouns in Spanish are, que, quien, cuyo, or el cual. Consider the following examples, where que and el cual are used as relative pronouns: El señor que está allá es mi papá. Pedí un vaso de agua fría, el cual me bebí de un solo trago.
standard rules of the Spanish language, including written mechanics such as punctuation, capitalization, spelling, paragraphing, etc. and written/oral grammar such as parts of speech, word order, subject-verb agreement, and sentence structure