SLA multiple genres strand teks talk image

Knowledge and Skills Statement

Multiple genres: listening, speaking, reading, writing, and thinking using multiple texts--genres. The student recognizes and analyzes genre-specific characteristics, structures, and purposes within and across increasingly complex traditional, contemporary, classical, and diverse texts.

Proporcione a los estudiantes diferentes párrafos, en tiras de papel, de un texto informativo que contienen detalles y datos de diferente importancia respecto a un tema determinado. Los estudiantes por equipos ordenan la información de mayor a menor importancia o viceversa no perdiendo de vista el patrón de organización (orden de importancia) que están siguiendo. Posteriormente, presentan su trabajo al resto del grupo e intercambian ideas entre ellos, justificando sus razones para presentar la información en ese determinado orden. Modere la discusión y participe en caso necesario.

Further Explanation

Los estudiantes reconocen que el contenido de los textos informativos se puede presentar siguiendo diferentes patrones organizacionales. Identifican que en el patrón organizacional de orden de importancia la información se organiza de menor a mayor importancia o viceversa.

a text that presents information in order to explain, clarify, and/or educate
an organizing structure that presents ideas or information in a logical and rational sequence and is often used in argumentative and informative writing
an organizational structure in which information is structured from most to least important or least to most important
Informational text is often presented according to common organizational patterns. A history text, for example, might be presented in chronological order to help the reader understand the events that led up to the turning point. Identifying the organizational pattern(s) in informational text will help students make sense of what they read.
In reading, students are expected to have a clear idea of the particular attributes informational text. For example, students should know that informational text has unique characteristics, such as a central idea, and often include graphic features, such as timelines, tables, sections, and bullets.
Students should be able to recognize the way an informational text is structured or organized. For example, an author may choose to organize an article using a compare-and-contrast approach to draw attention to the pros and cons of a particular topic.
Patrón organizacional que usa el autor para presentar ideas o información yendo de lo más relevante o más importante a lo menos relevante o menos importante o viceversa.
Patrón organizacional que usa el autor para presentar ideas o información en una secuencia lógica para alcanzar coherencia en dicho texto.
Escrito que presenta información, incluyendo textos expositivos y de procedimiento.
Escrito que presenta información, incluyendo textos expositivos y de procedimiento.


Meyer, B. J., & Ray, M. N. (2011). Structure strategy interventions: increasing reading comprehension of expository text. International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education,4(1), 127–152. Retrieved from

Summary:  In this study, the researchers review current structure strategies implemented to increase reading comprehension of expository text.  The article includes a discussion on the six structure strategies and how they have been historically designed. The finding of the study proposes five new recommendations for teacher instruction.