- Spanish Language Arts and Reading
- Grade 5
- Comprehension skills
monitor comprehension and make adjustments such as re-reading, using background knowledge, asking questions, and annotating when understanding breaks down.
revise la comprensión y haga ajustes, tales como releer, usar conocimiento previo, formular preguntas y hacer anotaciones cuando la comprensión se pierde.
Guíe a los estudiantes para que lean un texto que incluya asuntos, oraciones, sintaxis y vocabulario complejos. Recuérdeles a los estudiantes que usen estrategias que han aprendido para ayudarles a comprender un texto (releer, hacer preguntas, tomar notas). Observe a los estudiantes y registre qué ajustes hacen cuando tienen problemas de comprensión del texto.
Este ejemplo de evaluación requiere que los estudiantes reconozcan cuando tienen dificultades para mantener la comprensión de algún texto que leen. En el momento en que los estudiantes notan que no están entendiendo, ellos deben saber cómo usar sus estrategias que se les han enseñado y mostrado para recuperar la comprensión del texto.
1. Taboada, A., & Guthrie, J. T. (2006). Contributions of student questioning and prior knowledge to construction of knowledge from reading information text. Journal of Literacy Research, 38(1), 1–35. doi:10.1207/s15548430jlr3801_1
Summary: This study examine how students' questions (inquiry) and prior knowledge interconnect to construct new meaning when reading an informational text. The results of the study reinforces the concept that there is a direct alignment between how students talk about and ask questions of a text with their reading and comprehension skills.
2. Hedin, L. R., & Conderman, G. (2010). Teaching students to comprehend information text through rereading. The Reading Teacher, 63(7), 556–565. doi:10.1598/RT.63.7.3
Summary: Hedin and Conderman describe specific strategies that students can use to make meaning of the text and increase reading and writing comprehension. The study reveals strategies are successful with struggling readers. The approach uses paraphrasing and rereading to identify the placement of the main ideas, key terms and definitions. The approach also includes pronouns, appositives, or text enhancements. Charts, samples, and references are included.
3. Evans, B. P., & Shively, C. T. (2019). Using the Cornell Note-taking System can help eighth grade students alleviate the impact of interruptions while reading at home, Journal of Inquiry & Action in Education, 10(1). Retrieved from https://www.researchgate.net/
Summary: As part of the study, students are taught the Cornell note-taking system. Students are required to write questions about the main ideas of the notes and answer those questions, along with writing a summary. This study shows that middle school students will be able to make the adjustment from note-taking instruction on paper to computer. Additionally, middle school students can handle using a traditional high school and college aged note-taking strategy like the Cornell system. The study found that the Cornell system can be used to alleviate the impact interruptions have on students’ working memories and comprehension.
4. Barth, A. E., & Elleman, A. (2017). Evaluating the impact of a multistrategy inference intervention for middle-grade struggling readers. Language, Speech, & Hearing Services in Schools, 48(1), 31–41. doi: 10.1044/2016_LSHSS-16-0041
Summary: This study examines the effectiveness of multiple inference intervention strategies that were designed to increase inference-making and reading comprehension for struggling readers. The study focused on using text clues, activating and integrating prior knowledge, understanding character and author's purpose, and responding to inference questions. Details and lesson examples are available in the Appendix.