TEKS Talk - SLA Vocabulary image

Knowledge and Skills Statement

Developing and sustaining foundational language skills: listening, speaking, reading, writing, and thinking--vocabulary. The student uses newly acquired vocabulary expressively.

Presente un refrán popular al grupo y explique el lenguaje que se emplea y lo que significa. Además, muestre la enseñanza o consejo que contiene este juego de palabras. Posteriormente, proporcione una lista con 10 refranes populares. Los estudiantes seleccionan 3 de ellos y explican por escrito con sus propias palabras lo que significan. Tomando turnos, comparten con el grupo uno de los refranes y lo que interpretan del lenguaje empleado en este refrán. Ayude a moderar la actividad permitiendo que el grupo participe para que se enriquezca esta interpretación. Por ej., Perro que ladra no muerde; El que con lobos anda, a aullar se enseña; A palabras necias, oídos sordos; Las penas con pan son menos; No dar paso sin huarache; A la tercera va la vencida. Observe y tome nota de la participación de los estudiantes en la actividad.

Further Explanation

Los estudiantes aprenden a identificar que a través del lenguaje se expresan emociones e imágenes y que las palabras no solamente se deben entender literalmente. A través de interpretar los refranes populares, los estudiantes aprenden lecciones que pueden aplicar en su vida diaria.

Students need to determine what elements of idioms and adages are parallel to the context in which they are being used to understand why they were included and explain why they are being used. Similarly, puns rely on multi-meaning words to create statements that require the reader or listener to use context to determine the intended meaning in order to explain the joke or humor in the message.
An important aspect of understanding the Spanish language is recognizing when words and phrases are purposefully placed out of context for effect. Idioms are statements that on first reading might not appear to be related to the idea being discussed because they often use figurative rather than literal language to concisely communicate a complex idea (e.g., Hacer castillos en el aire). Similarly, adages and puns rely on multi-meaning words to create statements that require the reader or listener to use context to determine the intended meaning in order to understand the joke or humor in the message.
Students should have a thorough enough knowledge of how idioms, adages and puns are constructed and be able to incorporate them into their own written and oral communications. They should be able to provide adequate context to support the recipient of the message in determining the intended use of the idiom, adage or pun. Idioms, puns and adages can create confusion without context.