TEKS Talk - SLA Inquiry Research image

Knowledge and Skills Statement

Inquiry and research: listening, speaking, reading, writing, and thinking using multiple texts. The student engages in both short-term and sustained recursive inquiry processes for a variety of purposes.

Deles a los estudiantes, divididos en grupos pequeños, un texto informativo breve y cinco tarjetas creadas por el maestro con información sacada del texto. Algunas tarjetas reflejarán parafraseo apropiado y otras, plagio. Pídales a los estudiantes que identifiquen qué tarjetas muestran parafraseo y qué tarjetas muestran plagio. Revise en clase las respuestas de los estudiantes y posteriormente pídales que corrijan el plagio y lo vuelvan parafraseo.

Further Explanation

Esta evaluación requiere que los estudiantes comprendan la diferencia entre el plagio y el parafraseo de un texto. Los estudiantes deben entender las razones del parafraseo al hacer trabajo de investigación y lo serio que resulta el plagio. Los estudiantes deben aplicar su conocimiento sobre cómo parafrasear un texto al estar tomando notas de la fuente de información.

A key part of the research process is integrating information obtained from sources into one’s own writing. The ethical use of information requires that students identify the difference between plagiarism (using another’s words or ideas as one’s own or without credit) and paraphrasing (putting information from the source in one’s own words). Paraphrasing from a source restates key information in a different way and changes the vocabulary, structure, and sometimes the voice of the original source.
a restatement of something written or said by someone else but that retains the intended meaning of the original quote while using different words than the original author used
the act of presenting the ideas or words of another as one’s own without crediting the original source
Repetir el significado de algo usando palabras diferentes. El parafraseo altera las palabras exactas usadas en la fuente y transmite sus ideas e información sin evaluarlas ni interpretarlas.
Presentar las ideas o palabras de otro como las propias sin dar crédito a la fuente de donde provienen.


1. Driscoll, D. L., & Braze, A. (2010). Quoting, Paraphrasing, and Summarizing. The Writing Lab & The OWL at Purdue. Retrieved from https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/using_research/quoting_paraphrasing_and_summarizing/index.html

Summary: This handout is intended to help with the uses of and distinctions among quotations, paraphrases, and summaries. This handout compares and contrasts the three terms, gives some pointers, and includes a short excerpt that can be used to practice these skills.

2. Thomas, E., &  Sassi, K. (2011). An ethical dilemma: Talking about plagiarism and academic integrity in the digital age. The English Journal, 100(6), 47-53. Retrieved from https://digitalcommons.wayne.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?eferer=&httpsredir=1&article=1004&context=coe_ted

Summary: This article addresses the ongoing discussion about plagiarism and academic integrity in the digital age. Fictional scenarios are provided to engage students in the discussion. The article provides guidelines to frame the discussion about academic honestly and scholarship.

3. Goodwin, J. (2017). What's the difference between quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing? Essay Writing. Retrieved from https://magoosh.com/pro-writing/quoting-paraphrasing-and-summarizing/

Summary: This is an online resource that can be easily used by teachers and students for access to writing strategies and tools. 

4. Evering. L. C., & Moorman, G. (2012). Rethinking plagiarism in the digital age. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 56(1), 35–44.  doi:10.1002/JAAL.00100

Summary: As the digital age continues to evolve, the concept of plagiarism becomes more complex. The purpose of this article is to propose difficult questions centered on plagiarism, its definition and strategies to prevent plagiarism. This work is applicable for all levels.

5. Pearson, N. G. (2011). Classrooms that discourage plagiarism and welcome technology. English Journal, 100(6), 54–59.

Summary: In this article, students are introduced to plagiarism and explore reasons that students find this as the primary approach to writing. Issues such as intellectual property and how to better prepare for academic writing that demonstrates students' knowledge and comprehension of the grade-level expectations. It is important to know how to use your own words.

6. Hussain, F., Al-Shaibani, G. K. S., & Mahfoodh, O. H. A. (2017). Perceptions of and attitudes toward plagiarism and factors contributing to plagiarism: A review of studies. Journal of Academic Ethics, 15, 167-195. doi:10.1007/s10805-017-9274-1

Summary: Information technology has both pros and cons. In this article, students discuss and define plagiarism. The study reveals the attitudes that contribute to plagiarism and students' perception of plagiarism. The study also include various forms of plagiarism that are commonly committed. Additional research areas are suggested.