TEKS Talk - SLA Inquiry Research image

Knowledge and Skills Statement

Inquiry and research: listening, speaking, reading, writing, and thinking using multiple texts. The student engages in both short-term and sustained recursive inquiry processes for a variety of purposes.

Pídales a los estudiantes que hagan un plan de investigación que trate la pregunta ¿Cómo la Revolución Industrial causó un impacto en la vida de los Estados Unidos?  Guíe una discusión en clase acerca de los pasos que deben seguirse para responder esta pregunta. Ayude a los estudiantes a identificar tres pasos claves, como el desarrollo de una pregunta de investigación, la búsqueda de evidencia y la respuesta a la pregunta. Elabore una tabla guía para la clase que ayude a recordar la importancia de estos pasos en el proceso investigativo. Pídales a los estudiantes que trabajen en grupos pequeños para discutir las particularidades que cada paso exigirá en el trabajo. Pídale a cada grupo que presente su información y ayúdeles a los estudiantes a que desarrollen un plan de investigación generado por la clase.

Further Explanation

Esta evaluación requiere que los estudiantes comprendan los varios pasos que requiere un proceso de investigación y desarrollen un plan de investigación con ayuda del maestro.

Students are expected to develop and follow a plan that includes each of the steps in the research process. Students should understand that a research plan is a timeline created around the research process. A fundamental condition in developing a plan is the clear understanding of the assignment. Students should ask to themselves questions like “What exactly am I supposed to do? and What am I expecting to find?” Then, they should follow initial steps to find accurate, significant, and relevant sources to support the topic of inquiry; intermediary steps of reevaluating the research question and revising it based on source analysis; and the final steps of drafting (or equivalent preparation), revising, editing, and presenting results in an appropriate mode of delivery (written, oral, or multimodal). At this grade level, students may require assistance planning for their research.
a timeline created around the research process that identifies the initial steps needed to find accurate, significant, and relevant sources to support the topic of inquiry or working thesis; intermediary steps of reevaluating the research question and revising the thesis based on source analysis; and the final steps of drafting, revising, editing, and presenting results in an appropriate mode of delivery
Diseño cronológico del proceso de investigación que implica definir el tópico a investigar, identifica las fuentes de información necesarias, analizar la información y presentar los resultados.


1. Lewis, K .R., Simmons, S., & Maniotes, L. (2018). Building a culture for learner voice and choice through inquiry. Teacher Librarian, 45(4), 2427.

Summary: The guided inquiry design is presented as a strategy to improve the student writing process. The target of the strategy is to provide more opportunities for students to be engaged in and motivated by the writing process. The inquiry design focuses on student choice and student voice incubated in a culture in which students are encouraged to ask questions and classroom instruction is guided by participatory dialogue.

2. Maniotes, L. K. (2019). Getting to great questions for inquiry and research. Teacher Librarian, 46(3), 17–20. Retrieved from https://link.galegroup.com/apps/doc/A580343616/GPS?u=tea&sid=GPS&xid=e726b5dc

Summary: This article provides an overview on how to use guided inquiry as a means to increase students' capacity to comprehend a text. However, Guided Inquiry Design is often used as an inquiry process for research and ways to gain a deeper understanding and gain information. The article includes embedded resources that provide additional support. 

3. Voyager Sopris Learning. (2008). The writing process for step up to writing. Step Up For Writing Series, Expository Paragraphs.  Retrieved from www.voyagersopris.com

Summary: This one-page resource outlines eight steps in the writing process. The stages include prewriting, planning, drafting, revising, editing, writing a final copy, proofreading, and finally submitting the final copy.