TEKS Talk - SLA Authors Purpose image

Knowledge and Skills Statement

Author's purpose and craft: listening, speaking, reading, writing, and thinking using multiple texts. The student uses critical inquiry to analyze the authors' choices and how they influence and communicate meaning within a variety of texts. The student analyzes and applies author's craft purposefully in order to develop his or her own products and performances.

Comparta diversos tipos de textos que tengan una voz fácilmente reconocible. Pídales a los estudiantes que trabajen en grupos pequeños para elegir uno de esos textos y que compartan ejemplos específicos de lenguaje que muestren la forma en que el autor contribuyó a darle voz al texto.

Further Explanation

Esta evaluación requiere que los estudiantes entiendan que la voz se refiere a la forma distintiva en que el escritor expresa ideas en cuanto a estilo, forma, contenido y propósito. Los estudiantes entienden eso mediante la evaluación que hacen de cómo el autor utiliza el lenguaje para ir construyendo la voz del texto.

Voice refers to the distinctive way in which a writer expresses ideas with respect to style, form, content, or purpose. Students are expected to examine how an author uses language to help determine the voice of a written work. For example, an author’s use of literary devices such as hyperbole or rhyme determines the voice of a text and reveals the voice of the author. The rhythmic and whimsical voice of Dr. Seuss’s books provides an example of this.
the distinctive way the writer expresses ideas with respect to style, form, content, purpose, etc.; the distinctive features of a person’s writing or speech patterns


1. Kinsey, B., & Comerchero, V.A. (2012). Language in style: Formal language and tone. Communique, 41(1), 37.

Summary: This is a one-pager that addresses how language and words imply assumptions, beliefs, and biases. The article provides examples of how word choice and the sequence of words significantly change the meaning. The authors advocate that writing should be appropriate for its audience and the writing style generally should be formal.

2. Rief, L. (2017).What reading makes. Voice from the Middle, 24(4), 59–63. Retrieved from http://www.ncte.org/journals/vm/issues/v24-4

Summary: This article provides a detailed explanation about the integration between reading and writing. Rief focuses the study on four ideas: 1) What do students notice when they listen to a story?; 2) Which craft moves does the writer use do the craft moves impact the story, if so, how?; and 3) Which students borrow from the writer? The article includes a detailed chart that identifies the multiple strategies used by a writing.