TEKS Talk - SLA Authors Purpose image

Knowledge and Skills Statement

Author's purpose and craft: listening, speaking, reading, writing, and thinking using multiple texts. The student uses critical inquiry to analyze the authors' choices and how they influence and communicate meaning within a variety of texts. The student analyzes and applies author's craft purposefully in order to develop his or her own products and performances.

Proporcione un texto a los estudiantes sobre un tema de interés, por ej., Cadena alimenticia, Ciclo del agua, Ciclo de vida de las mariposas, etc. En equipos de trabajo lean el texto y elaboren diagramas, ilustraciones o gráficas que ayuden a complementar la información del texto y que faciliten el aprendizaje del mismo. Los estudiantes elaboran su material para presentarlo ante el grupo de manera creativa. Después de cada presentación, todo el grupo participa activamente aportando nuevas ideas y sugerencias para mejorar el material del equipo. Finalmente, junto con el maestro, los estudiantes sacan conclusiones sobre cómo el empleo de estos recursos gráficos mejoran la comprensión y ayudan al aprendizaje del tópico. Modere y tome nota del proceso y de las intervenciones de los estudiantes.

Further Explanation

Los estudiantes analizan el propósito que probablemente tiene un autor al incluir recursos gráficos en la información que proporciona.

to detect how the component parts of a passage or text relate to one another and aid understanding This may include identifying the parts, studying the relationship among parts, and recognizing the organizational principles involved. Learning outcomes present a higher intellectual level than comprehension and application because they require an understanding of both the content and structural form of the material.
Students are expected to examine in detail how authors purposely use print features, such as captions and bold print, as well graphic features, such as photographs, for a variety of reasons. For example, authors of informational texts often include subheadings which help organize information into more manageable parts for readers. Likewise, visual aids can help readers by illustrating a difficult concept or by supplementing the information in the main body of the text.
a picture, visual aid, or other image within a text used to support the author’s purpose and message
the use of words to explain something in the text (e.g., titles, bold print, captions)


1. Dallacqua, A.K. (2012). Exploring literary devices in graphic novels. Language Arts, 89(6), 365–378. Retrieved from https://www.ncte.org/library/NCTEFiles/Resources/Journals/LA/0896-jul2012/LA0896Exploring.pdf

Summary: Dallacqua presents an innovative approach to exploring literary devices by using comics. The study emphasized the importance of multimodality, especially as it related to visual literacy. Multiple online resources and definitions are included. The article includes the multiple uses of graphic novels as part of an RELA class.

2. Pantaeo, S. (2015). Language, literacy and visual texts. English in Education, 49(2). doi:10.1111/eie.12053

Summary: This study examines the use of visual design and images on the student's comprehension, interpretation, analysis and creation of the student's own images. This article is based on multimodality, specifically visual literacy. The teacher examines the students response to visual elements of art and design and use the text-based responses to the images.