SLA multiple genres strand teks talk image

Knowledge and Skills Statement

Multiple genres: listening, speaking, reading, writing, and thinking using multiple texts--genres. The student recognizes and analyzes genre-specific characteristics, structures, and purposes within and across increasingly complex traditional, contemporary, classical, and diverse texts.

Deles a los estudiantes un texto argumentativo. Guíe una discusión en clase acerca de la audiencia o del lector al que se dirige el texto. Considere usar las siguientes preguntas para guiar la discusión:

Preguntas a considerar:

  • ¿A quién le escribe el autor?
  • ¿Qué información del texto les dice quién es la audiencia?
  • ¿Por qué piensan que el autor le está escribiendo a esa audiencia?

Further Explanation

Esta actividad de evaluación requiere que los estudiantes identifiquen el público potencial al que va dirigido un mensaje. Los estudiantes deben considerar también quién o quiénes estarían interesados en el tópico que se presenta y ser conscientes de que el público deseado pudiera ser una sola persona, un grupo de personas o la gente en general.

a text written to demonstrate to an audience that a certain position or idea is valid and that others are not The writer appeals to reason, develops, defends, or debates the topic, connecting a series of statements in an orderly way so they lead to a logical conclusion.
Students should identify the specific target group for a message. To do so, students must first determine the author’s purpose. Authors have various motivations when they decide to write. They may want to inform readers about something, explain something to the reader, persuade them to do something, or simply entertain them. The author may also intend to do any number of these things within the same text. It is important that students think about who would be interested in the topic being presented and be aware that the intended audience could be a single person, a group of people, or the general public.
Students are expected to have a clear idea of the particular attributes of argumentative texts. For example, students should know that argumentative texts have unique characteristics such as a claim, an intended audience, and the use of facts in support or refutation of an argument. Students should also recognize structures, such the introduction, claim, facts, arguments, counterarguments, and conclusion, of argumentative text that impact how an argumentative essay is organized. Each one of these structures has a specific function in an argumentative text that students should identify and explain.
Escrito en el que el propósito del autor es convencer al lector de la validez de su argumento.