TEKS Talk - SLA Inquiry Research image

Knowledge and Skills Statement

Inquiry and research: listening, speaking, reading, writing, and thinking using multiple texts. The student engages in both short-term and sustained recursive inquiry processes for a variety of purposes.

Defina con claridad a los estudiantes lo que es una biografía y muéstreles ejemplos de biografías hechas por estudiantes de otros años escolares. Elabore con todo el grupo una plantilla estructurada de una biografía que pueda usarse con ensayos de investigación, presentaciones y proyectos académicos. Enseguida, pídales a los estudiantes que desarrollen una biografía como su investigación.

Further Explanation

Esta evaluación requiere que los estudiantes demuestren su habilidad para desarrollar una biografía completa y precisa. Los estudiantes deben saber lo que debe incluirse en una biografía mientras van identificando información clave, como autor, título y fecha de publicación, de sus fuentes de información. Los estudiantes también necesitan completar con exactitud la plantilla desarrollada en clase.

The ethical use of information requires that students know how to correctly document their sources in a bibliography. Students learn to identify key information, such as author, title, and publication date, from their sources. They also learn to document that information according to the appropriate style, (e.g., American Psychological Association (APA), Modern Language Association (MLA), Chicago Manual of Style, or other).


Yamac, A., & Ulusoy, M. (2017). The effect of digital storytelling in improving third graders' writing skills. International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education. [S.l.], 9(1), 59–86. Retrieved from https://iejee.com/index.php/IEJEE/article/view/145

Summary: Researchers investigated the effects of digital storytelling in improving the writing skills of third grade students in rural primary schools. Students writing performance was measured before and after the teaching. Results of this digital storytelling process showed learners' progress in word choice, fluency, and writing quality; students also showed improved interactions and increased motivation to write. Researchers determined that the opportunity for digital storytelling allowed  students to  create meaning through multimodal texts; comprehend the nature of multiform texts; and develop their technology, information, and visual literacies.