TEKS Talk - SLA Authors Purpose image

Knowledge and Skills Statement

Author's purpose and craft: listening, speaking, reading, writing, and thinking using multiple texts. The student uses critical inquiry to analyze the authors' choices and how they influence and communicate meaning within a variety of texts. The student analyzes and applies author's craft purposefully in order to develop his or her own products and performances.

Distribuya un texto informativo entre los estudiantes del cual eliminó aspectos gráficos, tales como fotografías, diagramas, mapas, tablas, gráficas, etc. Organice a los estudiantes en equipos de trabajo y pídales que lean el texto. Posteriormente, entregue el mismo texto, pero esta vez acompañado por recursos gráficos y plantee dos preguntas a los alumnos: “¿Cómo afectan los recursos gráficos su comprensión del texto” y “¿Cuál creen que fue el propósito del autor al incluir recursos gráficos en el texto?”. Por último, pídales a los estudiantes que elijan un artículo de su libro de ciencias o de estudios sociales, identifiquen un recurso gráfico y respondan en sus libretas la respuesta a las dos preguntas anteriores. Observe el trabajo de los estudiantes y dé el apoyo necesario mientras realizan la tarea.

Further Explanation

Los estudiantes identifican los diversos aspectos gráficos que pueden complementar un texto. Analizan que al usar estos aspectos hace más comprensible y accesible el texto.

Students are expected to examine in detail how authors purposely use print features, such as captions and bold print, as well as graphic features, such as photographs and illustrations, for a variety of reasons. For example, authors of informational texts often include pronunciation guides to help readers decode unfamiliar terms. Likewise, visual aids, such as diagrams, can help a reader by illustrating a difficult concept or by supplementing the information in the main body of the text.
a picture, visual aid, or other image within a text used to support the author’s purpose and message
the use of words to explain something in the text (e.g., titles, bold print, captions)


1. Jennings, K. A., Rule, A. C., & Vander Zanden, S. M. (2014). Fifth graders' enjoyment, interest, and comprehension of graphic novels compared to heavily-illustrated and traditional novels. International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education, 6(2), 257–274. Accessed online at https://eric.ed.gov/?q=graphic+novels&ft=on&id=EJ1053749

Summary: Researchers explore the effectiveness of graphic novels as a way to address student interests and include visual media in the curriculum. Graphic novels were identified as one way to successfully bring multimodal texts in the classroom. The study concludes that reading graphic novels increased student discussion and story comprehension. The heavily illustrated novel scored higher in the study assessment than the traditional novel.

2. Monnin, K. (2010). Teaching media literacy with graphic novels. New Horizons in Education. 8(3), 78–84 Retrieved from https://eric.ed.gov/?q=author%27s+use+of+print+and+graphic+features+to+serve+purpose&pr=on&ft=on&id=EJ966661

Summary: This article reviews current media literacy research and its emphasis on defining media literacy texts as texts that rely on both print literacies and image literacies. The conclusion is that novels rely on both print literacies and image literacies, so they qualify as media literacy texts and can be taught as such in K–12 classrooms.