- Spanish Language Arts and Reading
- Grade 3
- Multiple genres
recognize characteristics of multimodal and digital texts.
reconozca las características de los textos multimodales y digitales.
Pídales a los estudiantes que usen sus destrezas de comunicación y escritura al momento de entrevistar a un compañero, escribir un artículo sobre él y crear una presentación multimodal para presentarlo al resto del grupo.
Se espera que los estudiantes reconozcan las características que distinguen a los textos multimodales, tales como la combinación de más de una forma de comunicación en un solo texto. Los estudiantes deben determinar la combinación de escritura, sonido, imágenes fijas y animadas dentro de la presentación del compañero.
1. Wiseman, A. M., Pendleton, M., & Christiansen, C. (2017). A case study of struggle and success: profiling a third grader's reading and writing in a multimodal curriculum. Journal of Language and Literacy Education, 13(1), 55–69. Accessed online at https://eric.ed.gov/?q=multimodal&ft=on&id=EJ1141487
Summary: This case study incorporates multimodal literacy practices—including photography, drama, and art—to teach reading and writing. The analysis reveals the significance of multimodal video data analysis as a way of understanding the complexity of literacy practices in the classroom.
2. Jennings, K. A., Rule, A. C., & Vander Zanden, S. M. (2014). Fifth graders' enjoyment, interest, and comprehension of graphic novels compared to heavily-illustrated and traditional novels. International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education, 6(2), 257–274. Accessed online at https://eric.ed.gov/?q=graphic+novels&ft=on&id=EJ1053749
Summary: Researchers explore the effectiveness of graphic novels as a way to address student interests and include visual media in the curriculum. Graphic novels were identified as one way to successfully bring multimodal texts in the classroom. The study concludes that reading graphic novels increased student discussion and story comprehension. The heavily illustrated novel scored higher in the study assessment than the traditional novel.
3. Kaman, S., & Ertem, I. S. (2018). The effect of digital Texts on primary students' comprehension, fluency, and attitude. Eurasian Journal of Educational Research,76, 147–164. doi:10.14689/ejer.2018.76.8
Summary: In a study conducted on 75 5th grade students, researchers looked at the impact of digital texts versus traditional texts. The study found that student fluency and comprehension increased, although the latter only held true for a short period.