- Spanish Language Arts and Reading
- Grade 3
- Multiple genres
recognize characteristics and structures of argumentative text by:
reconozca las características y estructuras del texto argumentativo al:
diferenciar hechos de opiniones; e
Deles a los estudiantes un texto argumentativo. Pídales que subrayen hechos y que circulen opiniones. Cuando hayan terminado, pídales a los estudiantes que compartan algunos de los ejemplos que identificaron y que expliquen por qué cada ejemplo era ya sea un hecho o una opinión.
Esta evaluación le dará al maestro la oportunidad de observar la comprensión que tienen los estudiantes de lo que son hechos y opiniones conforme explican su razonamiento para cada uno de ellos.
Nunez-Eddy, E., Wang, X., & Chen, Y.-C. (2018). Engaging in argumentation: Strategies for early elementary and English language learners. Science and Children, 56(2), 51+. Retrieved from https://link.galegroup.com/apps/doc/A552763085/PROF?u=tea&sid=PROF&xid=45f308cb
Summary: This article describes argument strategies and activities that can be integrated within the 5E model (Bybee 1997) and demonstrates how argumentation can be assimilated into elementary classrooms. In this lesson exemplar, 25 students in a first-grade English Language Development classroom (all of whom were ELLs) were learning about animals and natural habitats. Because this class contained quite a few students in gifted education, a second-grade standard was chosen to facilitate differentiation and meet the needs of more advanced learners.