SLA multiple genres strand teks talk image

Knowledge and Skills Statement

Multiple genres: listening, speaking, reading, writing, and thinking using multiple texts--genres. The student recognizes and analyzes genre-specific characteristics, structures, and purposes within and across increasingly complex traditional, contemporary, classical, and diverse texts.

Considere juntar las expectativas estudiantiles 3.9.E.i y 3.9.E.iii y evaluarlas al mismo tiempo. En la expectativa 3.9.E.iii los estudiantes identifican la audiencia potencial o lector de un texto argumentativo. Pídales a los estudiantes que trabajen con un compañero para leer un texto informativo e identificar la postura y audiencia potencial a quien va dirigido el texto. Pídale a cada equipo que compartan la postura del autor y la audiencia potencial del texto. Pídales a los estudiantes que muestren evidencia textual que apoye sus ideas.

Further Explanation

Este ejemplo de evaluación requiere que los estudiantes entiendan que los textos argumentativos tienen características únicas, como la postura, un público potencial y el uso de hechos en vez de opiniones. Los estudiantes deben establecer cuál es la postura o el enunciado argumentativo que el autor sostiene sobre el tópico o asunto en cuestión tratado en el texto.

a text written to demonstrate to an audience that a certain position or idea is valid and that others are not The writer appeals to reason, develops, defends, or debates the topic, connecting a series of statements in an orderly way so they lead to a logical conclusion.
When students read an argumentative text, they are expected to determine the author’s claim, a position or arguable statement about the topic or issue being discussed. The claim is usually the main idea, or the essence of the argument. A claim must offer facts and reasons to show the author's point of view and be backed up with evidence.
Recognizing characteristics requires students to determine the specific components of something. In reading, students are expected to have a clear idea of the particular attributes of a variety of genres. For example, they should know that argumentative texts have unique characteristics, such as a claim, an intended audience, and the use of facts to support opinions. Students should recognize structures of argumentative text (e.g., introduction, claim, facts, and conclusion). Each one of these structures has a specific function in an argumentative text that students should identify and explain.
Escrito en el que el propósito del autor es convencer al lector de la validez de su argumento.


Nunez-Eddy, E., Wang, X., & Chen, Y.-C. (2018). Engaging in argumentation: Strategies for early elementary and English language learners. Science and Children, 56(2), 51+. Retrieved from

Summary: This article describes argument strategies and activities that can be integrated within the 5E model (Bybee 1997) and demonstrates how argumentation can be assimilated into elementary classrooms. In this lesson exemplar, 25 students in a first-grade English Language Development classroom (all of whom were ELLs) were learning about animals and natural habitats. Because this class contained quite a few students in gifted education, a second-grade standard was chosen to facilitate differentiation and meet the needs of more advanced learners.