TEKS Talk - SLA Response image

Knowledge and Skills Statement

Response skills: listening, speaking, reading, writing, and thinking using multiple texts. The student responds to an increasingly challenging variety of sources that are read, heard, or viewed.

Considere juntar las expectativas 3.7.B y 3.7.C y evaluarlas al mismo tiempo. En la expectativa 3.7.C, los estudiantes usan evidencia textual para apoyar una respuesta apropiada. Ponga a los estudiantes en parejas para leer un texto informativo. Plantee una pregunta sobre algún rasgo del texto que esté presente en el texto. Luego, pídales a los estudiantes que trabajen en pares para responder a la pregunta planteada. Las respuestas de los estudiantes deben estar apoyadas con evidencia textual.

Further Explanation

Este ejemplo de evaluación requiere que los estudiantes respondan a una pregunta sobre un texto, lo cual demuestre su comprensión de la información en el texto. La evidencia textual usada por los estudiantes debe ayudar al maestro a evaluar el nivel de comprensión que han alcanzado los estudiantes.

Students need to understand how literary and informational texts are constructed in order to provide a reasonable response that could be supported by the text. Although reflective of a personal interpretation of the text, written responses should not be based solely on personal experience or opinion.
a text that presents information to explain, clarify, and/or educate
written works that are generally recognized as having artistic value and have the purpose of entertaining the reader (e.g., prose fiction, drama, poetry, and literary nonfiction)
Students should communicate in writing their understanding of a text's purpose, key ideas, overall messages, and impact on the reader. The length of the students’ responses will vary based on the specific demands of the assignment, but responses should be long enough to accurately convey understanding.
Escrito que presenta información, incluyendo textos expositivos y de procedimiento.
Trabajos escritos con reconocido valor artístico. Las formas básicas del texto literario son la ficción en prosa, el teatro, la poesía y la literatura de no ficción.


1. Zuckerbrod, N. (2019). The Power of Stories: Develop Social-emotional skills and Empathy using fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. Scholastic Teacher, 128(3), 45+. Retrieved from https://link.galegroup.com/apps/doc/A580773753/PROF?u=tea&sid=PROF&xid=b300f1ba

Summary: The author shows the impact that fiction, non-fiction, and poetry have on students in grades 3 through 6, especially when teachers choose texts that resonate with students. Teacher recommendations are provided, along with stories of how teachers help students make the connection from texts to personal experience and to the experiences of others.

2. Miller, M., & Veatch, N. (2010). Teaching literacy in context: choosing and using instructional strategies: to help students become proficient with expository text, educators need to focus on how to choose and use the most appropriate instructional strategies for their students. The Reading Teacher, 64(3), 154+. Retrieved from https://link.galegroup.com/apps/doc/A242897421/PROF?u=tea&sid=PROF&xid=f1360380

Summary: This case study examines instructional strategies for teaching expository texts. The article provides an instructional process with both pre-teach strategies and the classroom implementation, focused upon students' ability to comprehend and summarize the text.

3. Fisk, C., & Hurst, B. (2003). Paraphrasing for comprehension. The Reading Teacher, 57(2), 182+. Retrieved from https://link.galegroup.com/apps/doc/A109218181/PROF?u=tea&sid=PROF&xid=5259f22e

Summary: The study acknowledges that most students think paraphrasing is copying from the source and changing a word or two. Noting that this short-circuits students' ability to fully synthesize and understand a text, the authors provide a four-step paraphrasing for comprehension strategy.