TEKS Talk - SLA Oral Language image

Knowledge and Skills Statement

Developing and sustaining foundational language skills: listening, speaking, discussion, and thinking -- oral language. The student develops oral language through listening, speaking, and discussion.

Ésta es una observación continua. Siguiendo conversaciones y representaciones en el salón de clases, recuérdeles a los estudiantes lo que se espera de ellos con respecto a interacciones apropiadas con otras personas. Observe, tome nota y redirija a los estudiantes según sea apropiado.

Further Explanation

Esta expectativa estudiantil requiere que los estudiantes apliquen lo que han aprendido con respecto a conversar en forma apropiada. Los estudiantes practican el autocontrol cuando se comportan con corrección. Las destrezas de comunicación social son necesarias para que los estudiantes se muevan por la vida. Por tanto, estas destrezas deben ser repasadas con frecuencia.

Social communication refers to the verbal and nonverbal skills we rely on to engage in social interactions. Students at this grade should understand that polite conversation requires more than the exchange of words; students must be aware of their body language, eye contact, and the use of politeness markers (e.g., “thank you,” “you’re welcome,” or “excuse me”) when speaking with others.


1. Batson, J. (2014). Postmodernity and oral language learning. Practically Primary, 19(1), 39+. Retrieved from https://link.galegroup.com/apps/doc/A361713108/PROF?u=tea&sid=PROF&xid=0dc50066

Summary: The article argues for the increasing need for schools to support conversational skills in the digital age and provides ways to build opportunities for social communication in the classroom.

2. O'Connor, C.,  Michaels, S., & Chapin, S. (2015). "Scaling Down" to Explore the Role of Talk in Learning: From District Intervention to Controlled Classroom Study. In L. Resnick, C. Asterhan, & S Clarke, (Eds.) Socializing Intelligence Through Academic Talk and Dialogue (pp.111–126).  doi: 10.3102/978-0-935302-43-1_9

Summary: The authors review the results of two studies over a period of 10 years that provide empirical data supporting classroom discussion and examines how those studies were implemented. Beneficial results included students' growing sense of academic identify, self-efficacy in classroom discussions, the ability to communicate longer using a more academic vocabulary, increased understanding of the content, and increased attention to classroom discussions.