TEKS Talk - SLA Oral Language image

Knowledge and Skills Statement

Developing and sustaining foundational language skills: listening, speaking, discussion, and thinking -- oral language. The student develops oral language through listening, speaking, and discussion.

Durante la presentación de un compañero en clase, anime a los estudiantes a que comenten y hagan preguntas para demostrar su comprensión de la información presentada. Tome notas descriptivas de las preguntas relevantes y de los comentarios hechos por los estudiantes para documentar qué estudiantes han mostrado dominio de la destreza.

Comportamientos a observar:

  • Los estudiantes miran al presentador o se involucran de alguna otra manera con la presentación.
  • Los estudiantes asienten con la cabeza o reaccionan físicamente a la información que reciben y a la presentación que atienden.
  • Los estudiantes hacen preguntas o comentarios acerca de la información presentada.

Further Explanation

Para esta evaluación se requiere que los estudiantes muestren evidencia de que escuchan activamente y comprenden la información a través de los comentarios y preguntas que hacen. Los comentarios y las preguntas de los estudiantes deben estar ligados directamente al contenido de la presentación. Si un estudiante está fuera del tópico al decir algo, eso puede indicar que el estudiante no entendió o malinterpretó los conceptos que se discuten.

Students demonstrate that they are listening actively when they ask questions that focus on the topic under discussion and are intended to further their understanding. When students ask questions about what they are listening to, they deepen their own understanding by making connections and inquiring about related concepts and ideas.
Active listening requires students to be engaged with the speaker they are listening to and topic being discussed in order to understand the intended message. Students who listen actively have a purpose, engage with the speaker by asking questions and making comments, and demonstrate attentive nonverbal behavior such as making eye contact and nodding their heads.
In addition to asking questions, active listeners contribute to the discussion by making comments directly related to the topic being discussed. Relevant comments indicate that students are involved in the discussion and in learning. Pertinent comments are usually the result of an in-depth reflection or careful consideration. For example, students listening actively to a discussion about fables might comment by giving examples of fables or morals with which the students are familiar.


1. Gray, S., Catts, H, Logan, J., & Pentimonti, J. (2017). Oral Language and Listening Comprehension: Same or Different Constructs? Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research,  60(5), 1273-1284. doi:10.1044/2017_JSLHR-L-16-0039

Summary: Oral language and listening comprehension are part of the same oral language construction in PK through G3.

2. Ahmadi, S. M. (2016). The importance of listening comprehension in language learning. International Journal of Research in English Education,  9(6),123-133. Retrieved from https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ1101226.pdf

Summary: The study analyzes the importance of listening for learning, identifies 6 major problems that learners face, and provides 14 suggestions for overcoming listening comprehension challenges.