sla composition teks talk image

Knowledge and Skills Statement

Composition: listening, speaking, reading, writing, and thinking using multiple texts--genres. The student uses genre characteristics and craft to compose multiple texts that are meaningful.

Pídales a los estudiantes que redacten una carta dirigida a algún familiar de su elección en la que le solicitan algo específico.

Further Explanation

Este ejemplo de evaluación requiere que los estudiantes usen la correspondencia para solicitar algo en particular. Se espera que los estudiantes puedan crear cartas coherentes y bien organizadas que incluyan el saludo, el cuerpo y el cierre.

Students will compose correspondence for a variety of purposes, including to thank someone. Students should recognize that correspondence may be formal (requesting information from a company) or informal (a thank-you email to a friend) depending on the purpose and audience. Student writing is expected to be organized and coherent and include a greeting, a body, and a closing.