sla composition teks talk image

Knowledge and Skills Statement

Composition: listening, speaking, reading, writing, and thinking using multiple texts--genres. The student uses genre characteristics and craft to compose multiple texts that are meaningful.

Pídales a los estudiantes que escriban un ensayo de opinión que incluya una postura e ideas de apoyo a dicha postura.

Further Explanation

En esta evaluación se espera que los estudiantes puedan escribir textos argumentativos efectivos que demuestren cómo cierta posición hacia un tópico es lógica y correcta, mientras que otras posiciones pueden ser ilógicas e incorrectas. Sus textos deben incluir un argumento central claro o postura que tenga apoyo con evidencia. Se espera que sus textos sean organizados, coherentes y que incluyan una introducción y una conclusión.

a text written to demonstrate to an audience that a certain position or idea is valid and that others are not The writer appeals to reason, develops, defends, or debates the topic, connecting a series of statements in an orderly way so they lead to a logical conclusion.
Students will compose effective argumentative papers. They are expected to understand that an argumentative text demonstrates to an audience that a certain position on a topic is logical/correct while other positions are incorrect. Their writing must have a clear central argument, or claim, that is supported by evidence. Their writing is expected to be organized and coherent and include an introduction and a conclusion.
an essay that describes a position on a particular topic or issue and develops the argument with supporting evidence
Texto escrito en prosa en el cual se analiza un tópico específico que se desarrolla de forma clara. Su finalidad es mostrar la perspectiva personal del autor sobre ese asunto y las razones por las cuales ha llegado a ese punto de vista en contraposición con otras perspectivas.
Escrito en el que el propósito del autor es convencer al lector de la validez de su argumento.


Nunez-Eddy, E., Wang, X., & Chen, Y.-C. (2018). Engaging in Argumentation: Strategies for early elementary and English language learners. Science and Children, 56(2), 51+. Retrieved from

Summary: This article describes argument strategies and activities that can be integrated within the 5E model (Bybee 1997) and demonstrates how argumentation can be assimilated into elementary classrooms. In this lesson exemplar, 25 students in a first-grade English Language Development classroom (all of whom were ELLs) were learning about animals and natural habitats. Because this class contained quite a few students in gifted education, a second-grade standard was chosen to facilitate differentiation and meet the needs of more advanced learners.