TEKS Talk - SLA Inquiry Research image

Knowledge and Skills Statement

Inquiry and research: listening, speaking, reading, writing, and thinking using multiple texts. The student engages in both short-term and sustained recursive inquiry processes for a variety of purposes.

Deles a los estudiantes el nombre de un tipo de fuente de información (libro, video, artículo, fotografía, discurso, etc.) y pídales que identifiquen si esa fuente es primaria o secundaria.

A primary source is a research source from the time in which an event being studied occurred (e.g., letters, speeches, diaries, surveys, field work, personal interviews, photographs, etc.).
a source that is a step removed from the original accounts of an event or experience (e.g., scholarly articles, journalism, reference books such as encyclopedias, history books, textbooks, reviews, or criticisms)
A secondary source is a source that is a step removed from the original accounts of an event or experience (e.g., scholarly articles, journals, reference books such as encyclopedias, history books, textbooks, reviews, etc.).
Fuentes de información de primera mano o evidencia directa acerca de un evento. Por ejemplo, documentos originales y contemporáneos de un evento.
Toma y reproduce la información que le aportó una fuente de información primaria. Son fuentes secundarias: enciclopedias, antologías, directorios, libros o artículos que interpretan otros trabajos o investigaciones.