- Science
- Grade 8
- Scientific and engineering practices
A student expectation is directly related to the knowledge and skills statement, is more specific about how students demonstrate their learning, and always begins with a verb. Student expectations are further broken down into their component parts, often referred to as “breakouts.”
Vertical alignment shows student expectations in the same subject area at different grade levels that are related to or build upon one another.
listen actively to others' explanations to identify important evidence and engage respectfully in scientific discussion.
listen actively to others' explanations to identify important evidence and engage respectfully in scientific discussion.
listen actively to others' explanations to identify important evidence and engage respectfully in scientific discussion.
listen actively to others' explanations to identify relevant evidence and engage respectfully in scientific discussion.
listen actively to others' explanations to identify relevant evidence and engage respectfully in scientific discussion.
Math.8.1.G display, explain, and justify mathematical ideas and arguments using precise mathematical language in written or oral communication
Math.8.8.D use informal arguments to establish facts about the angle sum and exterior angle of triangles, the angles created when parallel lines are cut by a transversal, and the angle-angle criterion for similarity of triangles
ELAR.8.1.A listen actively to interpret a message by summarizing, asking questions, and making comments
ELAR.8.1.D participate collaboratively in discussions, plan agendas with clear goals and deadlines, set time limits for speakers, take notes, and vote on key issues
TA.8.8.B create and publish a formal digital communication for a global audience using appropriate digital etiquette
TA.8.8.C collaborate and publish for a global audience on digital platforms such as recording and editing videos using appropriate formal and informal digital etiquette
TA.8.12.A integrate use of appropriate technology terminology in scholarly inquiry and dialogue such as classroom discussion and written samples