- Science
- Grade 5
- Scientific and engineering practices
Students can evaluate their design solution (prototype, product, process, or proof of concept) using a rubric. A rubric is a tool that can be used to guide and assess student performance and skills related to the design challenge and associated thinking processes (engineering design process or computational thinking).
The rubric can be designed by students or the teacher and should consider the following areas:
Were the criteria and constraints for the design challenge met?
National Assessment Governing Board. Engineering Design in Technology and Engineering Literacy Framework for the 2014 NAEP. Washington: NAGB, 2014. www.nagb.gov/naep-subject-areas/technology-and-engineering-literacy/framework-archive/2014-technology-framework/toc/ch_2/design/design2.html.
Summary: This article articulates the engineering design process for finding solutions to problems or completing challenges. Successful solutions have criteria and constraints that must be considered throughout the problem-solving process. Scientists often consider how similar problems have been solved previously to help generate ideas. These solutions/final products must be evaluated to see if the product or process meets the requirement and solves the problem.