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Knowledge and Skills Statement

Earth and space. The student knows that there are recognizable patterns and processes on Earth.
Glossary terms and definitions are consistent across kindergarten through high school in the TEKS Guide. The definitions are intended to give educators a common understanding of the terms regardless of what grade level they teach. Glossary definitions are not intended for use with students.

a natural feature of Earth's solid surface

regular sequences that can be found throughout nature


Cheek, Kim A. “Washed Away!” Science and Children 50, no. 8 (April/May 2013): 52–56. http://www.jstor.org/stable/43176420.

Summary:  In this article, the author provides examples of instructional strategies that can be used to teach students that weather plays a large role in changing the Earth's surface. Students can see examples of these changes every day. Because these changes often happen very slowly and on a large scale, models allow students to see how these changes take place. Students can start by recording examples of water changes on the earth in their everyday environment. They can take pictures of these examples of illustrating them in their science journals. These examples can be used to generate questions that can be tested. As a class, students can use soil and water to model these processes and find answers to their questions. Students must understand that models have limitations and are different than the natural process of erosion.