- Science
- Grade 4
- Earth and space
explain the critical role of energy resources to modern life and how conservation, disposal, and recycling of natural resources impact the environment; and
SS.4.8.B explain reasons why people have adapted to and modified their environment in Texas, past and present, such as the use of natural resources to meet basic needs, facilitate transportation, and enhance recreational activities
SS.4.8.C compare the positive and negative consequences of human modification of the environment in Texas, past and present
ELAR.4.6.E make connections to personal experiences, ideas in other texts, and society
ELAR.4.6.H synthesize information to create new understanding
ELAR.4.7.C use text evidence to support an appropriate response
ELAR.4.13.A generate questions on a topic for formal and informal inquiry
ELAR.4.13.B develop and follow a research plan with adult assistance
ELAR.4.13.H use an appropriate mode of delivery, whether written, oral, or multimodal, to present results