- Science
- Grade 2
- Scientific and engineering practices
use tools, including hand lenses, goggles, heat-resistant gloves, trays, cups, bowls, beakers, notebooks, stream tables, soil, sand, gravel, flowering plants, student thermometer, demonstration thermometer, rain gauge, flashlights, ramps, balls, spinning tops, drums, tuning forks, sandpaper, wax paper, items that are flexible, non-flexible items, magnets, hot plate, aluminum foil, Sun-Moon-Earth model, and frog and butterfly life cycle models to observe, measure, test, and compare;
Britannica Kids. “Science Tools.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. http://kids.britannica.com/kids/article/Science-Tools/628800.
Summary: Students should understand the importance of science tools and how to use them safely. Scientists use tools to help them accurately collect data and draw conclusions. This article provides examples of teaching students how to use common science tools safely.