- Science
- Grade 1
- Recurring themes and concepts
examine the parts of a whole to define or model a system;
A student expectation is directly related to the knowledge and skills statement, is more specific about how students demonstrate their learning, and always begins with a verb. Student expectations are further broken down into their component parts, often referred to as “breakouts.”
Vertical alignment shows student expectations in the same subject area at different grade levels that are related to or build upon one another.
examine the parts of a whole to define or model a system;
examine the parts of a whole to define or model a system;
examine the parts of a whole to define or model a system;
examine and model the parts of a system and their interdependence in the function of the system;
examine and model the parts of a system and their interdependence in the function of the system;
Math.1.1.F analyze mathematical relationships to connect and communicate mathematical ideas
Math.1.3.B use objects and pictorial models to solve word problems involving joining, separating, and comparing sets within 20 and unknowns as any one of the terms in the problem such as 2 + 4 = [ ]; 3 + [ ] = 7; and 5 = [ ] - 3
Math.1.3.C compose 10 with two or more addends with and without concrete objects
Math.1.3.D apply basic fact strategies to add and subtract within 20, including making 10 and decomposing a number leading to a 10
Math.1.3.E explain strategies used to solve addition and subtraction problems up to 20 using spoken words, objects, pictorial models, and number sentences
Math.1.3.E explain strategies used to solve addition and subtraction problems up to 20 using spoken words, objects, pictorial models, and number sentences
ELAR.1.13.C identify and gather relevant sources and information to answer the questions with adult assistance
ELAR.1.13.D demonstrate understanding of information gathered with adult assistance