- English Language Arts and Reading
- Grade KG
- Author's purpose and craft
Use a checklist or anecdotal notes during small-group discussion, one-on-one conferences, or learning-center time to keep track of whether students discuss how the use of text structure contributes to the author’s purpose. While reading a text, listen for student’s ability to converse about how the use of the structure of the text contributes to the author’s purpose. Consider using prompts to assist students.
Examples of adult prompts:
An observational rubric can be used.
Sample rubric:
1) The student does not discuss how the use of text structure contributes to the author’s purpose, even with adult assistance.
2) The student inconsistently discusses how the use of text structure contributes to the author’s purpose, with adult assistance.
3) The student consistently discusses how the use of text structure contributes to the author’s purpose, with adult assistance.