Knowledge and Skills Statement
Ask students to listen to and blend sounds together to make a word.
You are going to listen to sounds from words and blend the sounds together to make a word. Try this:
- /r/-/ag/—rag
- /s/-/un/—sun
- /st/-/ar/—star
- /t/-/op/—top
- /gl/-/ad/—glad
- /sh/-/op/—shop
- /b/-/ush/—bush
- /th/-/is/—this
- /p/-/ath/—path
- /cr/-/unch/—crunch
1. Baker, S. K., Beattie, T., Nelson, N. J., & Turtura, J. (2018). How We Learn to Read: The Critical Role of Phonological Awareness. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Education, Office of Elementary and Secondary Education, Office of Special Education Programs, National Center on Improving Literacy. Retrieved from https://improvingliteracy.org/brief/how-we-learn-read-critical-role-phonological-awareness
Summary: Phonological awareness involves being able to recognize and manipulate the sounds within words. This skill is a foundation for understanding the alphabetic principle and reading success. There are several ways to effectively teach phonological awareness to prepare early readers, including: 1) teaching students to recognize and manipulate the sounds of speech, 2) teaching students letter-sound relations, and 3) teaching students to manipulate letter-sounds in print using word-building activities.
2. Yopp, H., & Yopp, R. (2000). Supporting Phonemic Awareness Development in the Classroom. The Reading Teacher, 54(2), 130–143. Retrieved from http://www.jstor.org/stable/20204888
Summary: Yopp and Yopp describe phonemic awareness and provide ideas for activities that focus on rhyme, syllable manipulation, onset-rime manipulation, and phoneme manipulation.